Pitt Postdoctoral Associate in Computational Biology
Application materials#
Job posting#
The Department of Biological Sciences at the University of Pittsburgh invites applications for a three-year postdoctoral associate in Computational Biology, to begin in the Fall Term of 2023, pending budgetary approval. Applicants must have a background in Computational Biology with a Ph.D. in biology or an applicable field and previous teaching experience.
Responsibilities include collaborating on research with one or more Biological Sciences faculty members, teaching two courses in year 1 and three courses in each of years 2 and 3, and participating in research seminars. Research areas could involve bioinformatics, computational genomics, computational chemistry, simulation and modeling, deep learning, or other computational arenas. Courses could include Computational Biology and Computational Biology Seminar (a literature review course) for Computational Biology majors. Mentoring and professional development is provided for both the research and teaching missions of this position.
The Department of Biological Sciences is a highly interactive community situated on the Oakland campus of the University of Pittsburgh. We are dedicated to the mutual success of our faculty and students in our research, education, and outreach missions. The department and university nurture a strong teaching community with active efforts in teaching innovation and pedagogical research. Pittsburgh is a city that is often voted “most livable” in the nation. We are dedicated to fostering an inclusive and welcoming environment that values and nurtures diverse perspectives (https://www.provost.pitt.edu/university-pittsburgh-embracing-diversity-and-inclusion). Further information about the Department of Biological Sciences is available at: https://www.biology.pitt.edu.
To apply, candidates should submit PDF documents of the following to Talent Center (https://join.pitt.edu):
- a letter of application,
- a current CV,
- a brief (3-5 pages) statement of research interests,
- a teaching portfolio (teaching statement, selected teaching materials, teaching evaluations), and
- a brief description of how your research, teaching or service demonstrates a commitment to diversity and inclusion.
At least three letters of reference should be sent by the recommenders to biojobs@pitt.edu.
Applications will be reviewed starting 1 February 2023 and will continue until the position is filled. The appointments require administrative and budgetary approval. The Dietrich School of Arts and Sciences is committed to building and fostering a culturally diverse environment, so the ability to work effectively with a wide range of individuals and constituencies in support of a diverse community is essential.